The first time I encountered with a marketing professional was where I attended a seminar organized by one of the leading Marketing Business Schools in the country. The presenter first asked the audience what they wanted to hear as he was willing to take up any challenging topic that came out from the audience. Being a marketer he would have predicted that based on the Sri Lankan student behavior, no one would throw him a topic to talk about. And then he said, I am very much concerned with my ROTI and urged to respond quickly.
ROTI = Return on Time Invested, That is one of the most amazing ratios I have ever heard and is directly in line in our lives. I have been observing this ratio applying it to each circumstance I face in my life, and I was fascinated by how a simple Ratio could put a core science in how the humans behave.
Simple example would be going out on a trip with friends, if you observe our behavioral pattern we always try to enjoy at the maximum on the little time that we spend on trips. Unconsciously the mind is preprogrammed to calculate this ratio and to maximize the return on the time we invest. Return is not always in monitory terms it could be love that we expect as a return, a reciprocal favor that we expect. Whether we like it or not human evolution has embedded selfishness in the man kind.
ROTI would be such an important ratio if we correctly use it, in everyday life. It could be a key in making decisions in life and could consciously maximize the return the ultimate goal of any human.