It is very interesting what trends would invade the society in 2012. Will it be another i-revolution, will it be another magnum opus improvement by facebook, Will it be another record breaking twitting year. Since recent past change is inevitable everywhere and it is at a pace that we cannot even cope up with rapid changing trends. For any company to be successful they need to understand the change and the pace of change.
Future is so unpredictable, that not a single company can have documented operational plans but to be successful adaptability would be a key. Mamoths, dianosores are extinct as they never adapted to the changes in the environment. Similar concept will be applicable to any company, if a company is not willing to change, if the company is not willing to take advantage of the changing conditions.
Carbon Emissions is the most critical environmental problem that every human being on this planet is facing. While everyone of us worries about carbon emissions as a problem. A persons sees opportunity in this and introduces the concept of carbon trading. Change will come, wise man will see opportunity in change while others worry about facing it.