Thursday, April 2, 2015

What Eyes Tell You..

You need to look directly in the eye of a person to really understand that person. Is this statement overrated? Day in and day out we hear things like this in the movies we watch, with the people we work with. If the person does not look in your eyes is he really lying? Or is it all a myth.

If you really try to analyze this, from our sensory inputs eyes dominates on how we perceive this world. In our minds we do not remember the world as a Smell, world has no taste, it is not the feeling of touching sand on the ground nor a sound that depicts or reminds us about the world. The world is a set of images right embedded in our minds. Even if you look at the pre-historic era our ancestors left us with carvings inside caves to depict what they saw the world.

The shape of our eyes are a bit similar to animals who hunt for food like tigers, lions. These animals have pointed eyes so that they can have sharp focus on the pray. Likewise our eyes are focused and pointed to perceive the world from a focused view width. But if you look at innocent animals like rabbits their eyes are big and direct outwards so they can see any predator who is approaching with a wider view width. Likewise evolutionary humans with their advanced thinking capacity their sensory input glands has also evolved significantly.

From evolution perspective is there any truth behind the fact that if a person is lying that the person will not look into the eye? Has evolution made us more defensive or has evolution made us more offensive? Think of the last time you closed your ears from your palms so that you could not hear the noise? Highly likely that either the sound was unpleasant or of high decibels or it roused fear. When will we close our noses, is if the smell that we absorb is unpleasant. When will we want to stop tasting something? Isn't it because we do not like the experience we are having?

Likewise when you think about eyes, you tend to look away if the experience is unpleasant. Remember when you are watching news and see a sensitive video, the immediate reaction is take your eyes away from what you are seeing.  Food for thought is that, is the person really lying or does the person not like the experience?

Actually there is a way of understanding, what a person is thinking based on where the person’s eye ball moves. Brain has different compartments which stores different information. Visual, Auditory information is stored in different areas of the brain. Thus if you carefully observe a person’s eye, you can see the eye ball moving towards the Upper Right, Upper left, Right, left, Lower Right and Lower Left. Just see whether you can find any relationship to what he talks about and where the eye ball moves?

In my next blog article I tend to discuss more about these eye movements. 

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