Friday, April 17, 2015

Who thinks in Pictures?

Continuing from the previous blog article, I wish to further elaborate on the eye movements and how to interpret them.  What benefits would it bring to your day to day life? Will you be able to understand whether a person is lying?

Eye is moving up left and up right.

The first thing that we need to understand is if the eye is moving upwards, most likely the person is a visual person. Important thing to note is that eye movement itself does not tell whether the person is a visual or not. But might give a glimpse to understand whether the person is thinking in images or sounds or talking to thyself.

Eye moving upwards means most of the time is that a person is thinking in pictures. If the eye moves towards the up left corner. That means the person is referring to an area which the already has experienced. The person is referring to a memory in pictures. If you ask a simple question like do you remember the first day you went to school and you see the person’s eye moving up left corner. The person is remembering that very instance in pictures and images. The color of the cloth the person was wearing all that they try to remember.

If the eye is moving towards the upright corner. The person is constructing something in pictures. If you ask a visual about how yourself in 10 years. His eye would move towards the upright corner, where the person constructs that position in images. Identifying these simple things will help you a lot in building rapport with a person.

Visuals use words like “see”, “envision”, “looks great” where their vocabulary has a close link with how they think. Which is in pictures. Pay close attention to these simple things, you can easily create rapport at the subconscious level with visual people using words to in line with their thinking pattern.

Although this sounds very simple, in practice it is very difficult to identify and leverage on this knowledge areas.  

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